About Us
Eyelashes Manufacturer Indonesia – Sung Shim International always keep our promises to our customers as customer wants. Customized production for customers with rich production experience and know-how, everything about eyelashes. SSI produce only reliable products through thorough quality control and supply them safely and on time according to the customer’s plan. SSI always want to be a company that can think about what customers want and give the answers they want.
SSI ( PT. SUNG SHIM INTERNATIONAL ) is a leading professional eyelashes manufacturer and has been manufacturing and supplying the best quality eyelashes to top global brand partners for over 20 years.

Eyelashes Manufacturer
Sertifikasi ISO 9001: 2015
Sertifikasi ISO 14001 : 2015
Sertifikasi ISO 22716 : 2007
Lorem Ipsum
Lashes Catalog
Eyelashes brand launched based on the best production technology LUMI beauty & MASKI eyelashes
Lumi Eyelashes is one of the products manufactured by us PT Sung Shim Internasional, we are one of the Indonesian Eyelashes Manufacturer who have for decades produced the best false lashes in Indonesia.
Lumi Eyelashes are produced using a special technology that is made directly using human hair to create high quality natural black false lashes. There are 3 types of volume to choose from, namely 3D Fabulous, 3D Glamor, and 3D Natural.
We are Eyelash Manufacturer, PT Sung Shim Internasional, always provides the best service to customers. The results we produce are always checked in order to produce false lashes according to consumer desires. Consult us immediately what your needs are, we are ready to help provide the best service for you.
Maski Eyelashes is a brand of false lashes produced by PT Sung Shim Internasional. Maski Eyelashes is a false eyelash brand created in collaboration with the well-known VIKA in Korea. We are Eyelash Manufacturer Indonesia always producing false eyelashes according to customer needs.
Maski Eyelashes are manufactured using a special high technology in the manufacture of false lashes so as to create false lashes that are suitable for Asian women. Maski Eyelashes has 3 unique types of false lashes, namely long-tail, separate, and long-tail lashes.
If you want to appear with a unique and attractive style, you can use Maski Eyelashes with long tail lashes because it can encourage your appearance to look more luxurious. For separate types and long types, it will be more suitable for use in daily activities.
Eyelashes Manufacturer Indonesia
Get updated information about tips & tricks, tutorials on how to use fake eyelashes
False Eyelashes That Become the Center of Attention
False Eyelashes That Become the Center of Attention – False eyelashes that attract attention are not just a cosmetic accessory, but an art of eye...
How Can Eyelashes Increase Self-Confidence ?
How Can Eyelashes Increase Self-Confidence ? – The beauty of the eyes is often considered the focal point in a person's appearance, and eyelashes...
The Excitement of the World of False Eyelashes
The Excitement of the World of False Eyelashes - In the world of beauty which continues to experience evolution, one trend that has emerged with its...
Global Partners Sung Shim Eyelashes
PT Sung Shim International produce the world’s best quality eyelashes and grow together with famous brand partners.

Always Newness and Future in SSI
Sung Shim International will become a global leader in beauty business that actively responds to rapidly changing environments based on continuous R&D, facility investment, and management innovation.
PT Sung Shim international is the best manufacturing company and supplier of false eyelashes in Indonesia
Office Address
Ruko Pinangsia Blok L No. 36, Lippo Karawaci,
Kel. Panunggangan Barat, Kec. Cibodas,
Tangerang - Banten - Indonesia 15139
Factory Address
Jl. Raya No.3, Kalikabong, Kec. Purbalingga,
Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah 53321
+6221 5531 331 / +6221 5531 349 / +6221 5579 5454
+6221 5579 5730
+62813 8442 1997